Monday, July 10, 2017

BURCS Summer Fatass

The Stats….

Race: BURCS Summer Fatass 24 hour

Lap distance: 1.9 miles, or as everyone’s Garmin or Strava would suggest, 2 miles.

Elevation: Roughly 200ft per lap… according to someone I asked, I really have no idea.

Laps completed: 33

Total distance covered: 62.7 miles, or with aid of suggested data, 66 miles.

Time: 15 hours and 35 minutes

California rolls consumed: 5

Bacon: Half package

Watermelon: not enough

Fake moon sightings: 1

Popular artist on the iPod: Grateful Dead, The War on Drugs, Future Islands, Steely Dan

Finsh: 7 out of 21

To give this race report some background, I need to go back to October 23rd of last year. It was 5am on a cold, windy morning and I, 20 hours deep at the Ghost Train Trail Race, couldn't quite pull myself out of the dark hole that I couldn’t even recognize I was in. I was out there to complete 100 miles, yet here I was standing in a daze, completely sure that if I blinked too long I would just fall asleep. I tried talking some sense into myself. It was less than a marathon, I told myself. Less than two full laps, I said. This is what I showed up for, I thought. But in the end, I cashed in my chips at 75 miles and went home defeated.

In the following days I came to a few conclusions. First, I achieved a new distance PR. Second, how much training did I have with being that exhausted at 5am? Third, how much fuel had I really taken in, as the options at the aid station tables were just completely unappealing to me? And fourth, if someone had given me a cold brew coffee and some music and pointed me back out on the trail and told me to just start walking till the sun comes up, I probably wouldn’t be writing this right now. Taking that all in, I was able to consider that race a victory in the learning department. Now to put those lessons into action.

This brings me to yesterday’s BURCS Summer Fatass, a 24/12/6 hour event out in the scenic Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts. I had the goals this year of adding night running into my training and finding foods I wanted to eat. This race provided an opportunity to practice both. With a start time of 7pm on Saturday and a stock pile of bacon, California rolls, watermelon, ice coffee and Tailwind, I was ready to get down to business.

I had already been awake for 11 hours and done a bunch of regular Saturday things, when we started the first lap. We began with a nice climb up one of the many trails of the Notchview Nordic Ski Center to then wind our way down through double track cross country ski trails, open fields with beautiful views, and tall pine forests. The first few laps went by rather quickly. I had struck up conversation with fellow racer, Patrick, for those laps and we talked about lots of random running stuff till he decided to take a fueling break and walk a lap, or most likely, was sick of my babbling.

By lap 7 headlamps were a must. I was pushing the limit of where I had it turned on, as I knew I would soon be sick of the sight of following a light through the woods. And the beautiful sun set made for having the headlamp off in the open sections worthwhile. I ran into the night in silence, with only a melodic guitar solo stuck in my head to assist me through each loop. By midnight I had completed the marathon distance and the race was well underway.

Something new to me for this race was that with each lap being only 1.9 miles in distance, I didn’t need to run with anything. No hydration pack, no hand held. That certainly helps the body in being taxed less. With each lap, I was sure to swing by the basecamp aid station and have some tailwind and eat what seemed appealing. I’d also take a sushi roll for a walk up the trail. Personally appealing foods are a must!

As I got into the thick of the night, things became rather routine. Walk the first hill, wind down through the muddy section with the Klu Klux Fern (iridescent dew illuminated what appeared to be the hood of a Klansman and was accompanied by a white tiger jumping out at the trail. Seeing things that aren’t really there is fun!) Enjoy the moon in the tall pines section (moon was full and beaming down all night!), hit the rolling up hills to the firefly shed, then cruise out into the fields to finish it up. Occasionally I would walk a lap with my lady friend or a new to me friend. Most of the time, I would get it done on my own accompanied by my iPod which I brought out some time around 1am.

As the wee hours of the morning progressed I could feel the length of my day settling in. I was getting the yawns pretty hard while walking the uphill and I knew this was where the lessons I had learned would pay off. Just keep moving. By 4am, the first hints of daylight were appearing against the opposing warmth of the moon. Each lap provided a little more light until the headlamp was useless. Lesson one accomplished, I had made it to the daylight… game changer! The trail became all new again as the first rays of sun cut through the forest. Running without staring at an illuminated spot on the ground was amazing.

By 6am or so, I had hit the 50 mile mark and I was feeling the fact that I had been up for 22 hours. I was dragging. Let’s implement some more of those lessons I learned. I sat for a bit, changed my shorts, changed my socks (pink injinji socks courtesy of my lady friend, that paired with my green Hoka’s, made my feet look like watermelons), changed my shoes, ate another California roll and pounded a bunch of French roast ice coffee. By 8am I was back to kicking ass and taking names! I felt like it was a regular morning run where I had just woken up from plenty of sleep. Strange. I love you, coffee!!!  Oh, and that donut. That delicious, made in Portland donut. I love you, too.

Coming into this event, I wanted to have a goal. As much as I wanted to test out my new strategies to see how they helped in the long run, I felt going the full 24 hours wasn’t a necessary thing for me. I’ve had two 50k training runs so far this season, so a 100k finish would be a perfectly acceptable goal. I ran the last few laps with renewed vigor. For my final lap, I decided a walk was going to be the thing to do. Take in the sights one last time… bring some beers for the walk, and finish it up in style!

Half way through that final course lap, Patrick came up behind me. We walked for a while, talking about how the race had gone and such. He said he was done after that lap; his 32nd so I gave him the last of my beer. I mentioned that one more lap would get him to that 100k mark, 62.7 miles to be exact. For someone who has a 50k distance PR, how badass would it be to double that? And it’s just one lap away!

I decided to run it in from the firefly shed and yelled out “TEN!!!” …or the newly branded, “SEXY PANTS!”, as I had each and every time for the fine race folks to record my lap number. And with that I was completely happy to be done and walk away from this a success.

Patrick comes in a few minutes after me and decides after a beer that not only is he going one more lap; he’s going 5 more… 70.3 miles. Well done, my friend. Well done!

                               Finishers award for both the lady friend and myself